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Advertising Express Magazine:
Advertising and Social Responsibility

Of late, many advertisements have been playing a crucial role in fighting against social evils that hamper the progress of society. This article analyzes the Public Service Advertisements (PSA) in terms of the social issues being addressed by them. It also traces the evolution and growth of the PSAs and highlights the constraints they are facing today. It presents the PSA scenario in the developed as well as developing nations, with special reference to the public service campaigns in India.


Advertisements operate at many levels and have specific roles to play at each of these interfaces. Advertisements are powerful channel of information and communication. If harnessed carefully, they can be used as potential tools to fight a number of social evils. Advertisements that are used to draw the attention of the general public towards a particular social issue are called Public Service Advertisements or Public Service Announcements (PSA).

PSAs are generally sponsored by non-profit institutions, civic groups, religious organizations, trade associations, political groups, etc. With a central focus on public welfare, these kinds of ads highlight social issues. Commercial advertisements sponsor goods, services and concepts by using various communication media. The invention of the printing press ushered in the era of modern advertising. With the introduction of the concept of sales personnel in the 18th century, the present form of advertising began to evolve. Advertising agencies, working on a commission basis, were chiefly responsible for this evolution.

Consumer durables, perishables and services form the largest group of items advertised. The major advertising media are: newspapers, magazines, television and radio, business publications, billboards, and circulars sent through the mail. With the advent of and the wide availability of electronic mail and access to the World Wide Web in the 1990s, the Internet has also become an important advertising avenue. Traditional means of communication, such as street plays and puppet shows, are also used for spreading messages with a social cause in both the urban and rural areas of the developing countries.


Advertising Express Magazine, Public Service Advertisements, PSA, Indian Public Service Campaigns, Advertising Agencies, Public Information Films, PIF, Advertising Campaigns, Federal Communications Commission, FCC, American Association of Advertising Agencies, Association of National Advertisers, ANA, Public Service Campaign, Communication Strategies, Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization, LPG.