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Advertising Express Magazine:
The Cutting Edge of Buzz in Brand Management

The focus of every marketer, in this competitive environment is sustenance. Marketers are concentrating more on `today' rather than working to create more brand loyalty and survive over a long period of time. They are keener on `now' and are aiming to achieve exponential growth of sales within a short span of time. This has led to the concept of buzz marketing.


Buzz marketing tries to create a unique experience for a customer at each encounter. Though this experience is unique and has a personal touch, yet it is different from the technically choreographed marketing pitches by the professional advertising houses. Historically, in buzz marketing the advertiser discloses the product/service information to only a few people in the target audience. The advertisers identify people who can influence their peers and social groups and disclose the product information. By including a few people in the elite group, the advertisers hope to flatter them and make them feel important. The advertisers intend to create a sophisticated word-of-mouth campaign by assuming that these influencers would willingly spread information about the product.

That's the effect of buzz marketing—it's the word-of-mouth which is the most powerful form of marketing as it connects with the customers directly, is less costly and can spread exponentially. Buzz marketing is an important source of communication and is currently the most adopted marketing strategy.

Word-of-mouth marketing enables the marketers to catch the instant attention of the customers. It also enjoys credibility. When someone known to us, be it a friend, neighbor, co-worker or a family member tells us about a product, the belief is more—since these people are not paid to pitch the item. Hence, the element of `trust' is, more in this form of marketing.


Advertising Express Magazine, Brand Management, Marketing Strategy, Commodity Merchandising, Information Technology, Globalization, Indian Market, Traditional Marketing Advertising, Marketing Technique, Customer Loyalty, Buzz Marketing, Electronic Buzz Marketing, viral marketing, Branding Strategies, Global Brands.