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Advertising Express Magazine:
Internal Marketing: A Tool to Get Business

An organization thrives on the abilities of its internal customers, i.e., its employees. While most companies allocate resources for external marketing, few make investment in terms of time and money to communicate with the employees. Since in most of the businesses, it is the employees who are in direct contact with the customers, it is necessary to motivate and empower them to consistently deliver a satisfying customer experience. This can be done by internal marketing.


It is a known fact that marketing is an activity, which cannot be ignored by any organization, be it a profit-oriented or a non-profit-oriented. But in many cases, organizations fail to accomplish their marketing goals, despite having well-designed and effective marketing programs. This is mainly due to the lack of support from the employees or their inadequate skill set. An organization's success depends on a number of factors. One of the most important factors is the presence of a dedicated, loyal and goal-oriented group of employees who have internalized the core values of the organization and are working together towards the mission and vision of the organization. There are a few organizations, which have developed their positioning strategies based on the value and competencies of their human resource.

No organization can attract dedicated, loyal and goal-oriented staff at the time of recruitment and selection itself. For an organization which adopts strategic recruitment and selection process, it is only possible to attract the appropriate human resource that could be further trained and motivated to be become loyal and dedicated and internalize the core values of the organization. Therefore, every organization should carry out certain activities in order to ensure that there is proper alignment between the individual and organization goals. Every organization should ensure that its employees are aware of the vision and the mission of the organization and also about what the organization eventually wants to achieve. The communication must also include the importance of working as a team for the foremost interest of the organization. Internal marketing is the best process which incorporates all such activities required to make everyone in the organization move ahead with a common goal and work towards the mission of the organization.


Advertising Express Magazine, Internet Market, Marketing Goals, Organization Goals, External Market, Human Resource, Mergers and Acquisitions, Organizational Structure, Organizational Structures, Life Insurance Company, Customer Relationship Management, Database Management, Human Resource Management.