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Advertising Express Magazine:
Legal Framework for Protecting Privacy in Online Advertising

The article presents an outline of the legal provisions relating to the online advertising industry and the challenges for maintaining the confidentiality of the personal information of the users. The need for protecting privacy in the online environment has forced the lawmakers to come up with various legislations, but there is a wide gap between the rapid advancements in the technology and the lawmaking process, which is moving at a snail's pace.


Online advertising has brought in revolutionary changes to the advertising and marketing world. The viewers of advertisements have surpassed the geographical boundaries of the companies operations. This has indeed made online advertisements popular as it has turned to be a big business for search engines in providing these services due to its wider demographic consumers who can be easily contacted through the medium of Internet. Most of the companies use this mode of advertisement by either using the Internet or the World Wide Web, for delivering the messages relating to their products or services. The acquisition of Doubleclick by Google, which is a leader in the ad words, is the best instance in recent days to show the progress of online advertising. The starting of e-commerce portal by many companies, including Amway, highlights the growth of businesses in the virtual world. The online advertisements usually include: contextual advertisements on search engines, banner advertisements, rich media ads, social networking advertisements, advertising networks, online classified, and e-mail marketing, including spam mails. Consider this: the online advertising market had grown over more than $600 bn by 2007 and worldwide spending on Internet advertising totaled $65.2 bn in 2008.

Though online ads look colorful, the other side of advertising business in general has some insensitive practices, which involve major risk factors. Hence, minutest care needs to be taken, especially while designing an online advertisement. Advertisers should follow certain ethical and legal parameters in order to protect the interests and legal rights of the users, especially those relating to privacy. This is very important in the online environment where security lapses are innumerable.


Advertising Express Magazine, Legal Framework, Online Advertising, Online Environment, E-commerce, Social Networking Advertisements, Advertising Networks, e-mail Marketing, Internet Advertising, Consumer Protection Legislation, Financial Services, Federal Trade Commission, Financial Products, Non-Profit Organizations, Internet & Mobile Association of India, IAMAI.