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Advertising Express Magazine:
Radiovertising: Creative Waves to Enhance Brand Identity

An executive loves to hear `Macarena' on FM while driving back home in his car, while a farmer enjoys Geet Gata Chal aired on Vividh Bharati while riding his bicycle. Radio has emerged as a powerful medium, appealing to people across different cross-sections of the society. Radio advertising is the growing market trend today. Offering a unqiue combination of high reach, high targetability and low cost, radio advertising can be a very effective means to attract customers.


Think of shooting a horse that is three headed, leaping across 80-feet wall to win a race ahead of 100 cars. While all these are practically not possible, one can surely talk about doing the same on the radio. This is the power of the radio which is often called the `theater of the mind'. Radio advertising is one of the oldest and quickest media of advertising. Being an affordable ad medium, it helps in reaching a mass audience, that comprises of both illiterate and educated listeners. During periods of economic downturn, radio has become a cost-efficient way to reach people with its great multiplier effect, especially when used intelligently, in synergy with other modes of advertisement.

Customers, today, want information wherever they are, and that too with an appeal that lasts for a longer time. With changes in lifestyle,, which have now become high-paced and often tied with busy schedules, people hardly get time to view ads during separate time slots. Thus, it has become necessary for brands to target customers at any time of the day, irrespective of their lifestyle. Listening to the radio has become a part and parcel of almost a majority of the population, irrespective of their age and sex.


Advertising Express Magazine, Radiovertising, Brand Identity, Economic Downturn, Radio Commercials, Television Commercials, Public Radio Services, Global Radio Industry, Radio Audience Measurement, All India Radio, AIR, Integrated Communication Platform, Radio Advertising, Internet Radio Advertising, Indian Radio Advertising Industry, Radio Advertising Market.