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Advertising Express Magazine:
Tryvertising: The Fascinating Way of Advertising

With mass advertising no longer effective in the rapidly changing advertising landscape, marketers are attracting customers by allowing them to actually try the new products. This trend called, tryvertising, is an engaging way of allowing the customers to form their opinions about the products based on their own experiences and not on the basis of advertising messages.


Learned and experienced customers pay less attention to the advertising messages and pictures. In fact, many a time, they are irritated when there is an ad on the TV, radio or banner. In order to entice them towards a product, there needs to be a more interesting and exciting strategy. Mass advertising is increasingly being replaced by different strategies and one of them is tryvertising. Tryvertising is all about trying the product and getting the experience of the product and becoming familiar with it. In many of these kinds of ads, celebrities ask the consumers to use the product. These ads could be for using sachets of shampoo or a test drive for a higher end luxury car.

Earlier, advertising included slogans and pretty pictures. Many a time, there was no honesty about the performance of the product. But in tryvertising, companies are very honest with the customers as they give firsthand experience about the product and start their conversation with them. When customers try the product, their expectation about the product changes. The customers can decide if the product has the features which the company claims. Tryvertising is an innovative strategy that combines product placement, advertising and marketing communication. The consumers take the decision on the bases of their experience, and not on the basis of advertising messages.


Advertising Express Magazine, Tryvertising, Fascinating Way of Advertising, Advertising Messages, Marketing Communication, Innovative Strategies, Co-branding Strategies, Mass Advertising, Shopping Malls, Consumer Goods, Financial Services, Sony Ericsson, American Company, Bose Corporation, FMCG Products, Fast Moving Consumer Goods.