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  The IUP Journal of   Brand Management :
Internal Branding: Aligning Human Capital Strategy with Brand Strategy

In brand management, service and promise are crucial, and the role of the employee is paramount in delivering the brand. Customer satisfaction is the holy grail of any large organization. The higher the customer's valuation and satisfaction, the larger will be organization's loyal customer base. To treat kindly and pamper employees and regard them as `strategic human capital' will motivate them to perform to their fullest potential. Successful internal branding helps employees to better understand and shape their awareness, behavior and commitment towards the brand. The stepchild to external branding in the past, today internal branding is quickly being recognized as critical to a company's success. The paper delves into the process of internal branding in organizations and crafts a strategy of application for delivering superior performance.


It was not until very late in the 20th century that most people would associate the term brand with consumer goods and services. Nowadays, the term is used far more widely and it is common for the term brand to be used to describe virtually anything carrying a distinct identity, and reputation, good or bad, associated with that identity (Barrow and Mosely, 2006).

It is said that the single most powerful asset of an organization is its brand equity. Several internal processes of a company synchronize to create an external manifestation in the form of a brand. The stronger the synergy between the internal processes the higher the chance of the brand getting stronger. Quite a few companies fail to live up to their `brand promise', implicitly or explicitly made to the target market. Passage of time and not having a dynamic and evolving brand perspective can create a dysfunction that may damage the internal systems. Often enough brands fail due to `internal dissonance' rather than external market forces. It is high time the strategists started looking at how internal processes can be aligned to strengthen the brand. More importantly they must recognize the far reaching implications of `non-branding issues'.


Brand Management Journal, Internal Branding, Human Capital Strategy, Brand Strategy, Customer Satisfaction, Goods and Services, Literature Review, Corporate Marketing, Corporate Marketing Vortex, Corporate Service Brand, Service Organizations, Management Consultants, Internal Marketing, Corporate Marketing, Internal Communications, ICs, Employee Development Programs, HR Professionals.