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Advertising Express Magazine:
Ethics in Advertising: An Endless Dillemma

In today's challenging market economy, advertising has become an important element of the society. Moreover, advertisements play a powerful constructive role in the economic growth of a country. On the contrary, they can often play a negative role in hurting the sentiments of an individual or the society. Hence, it is important that advertising professionals observe high ethical standards in regard to truthfulness, human dignity and social responsibilities.


Advertising is a small word but it is a whole world in itself. May be a marketer or a consumer, nobody can escape from the influence of advertising. Advertising has affected and is still affecting the life of all of us. In simple terms, advertising is defined as a paid, mediated presentation of information about services, products, or ideas with the specific goal of informing, persuading and reminding the target market about the company's offerings. In this materialistic world, we are surrounded with a number of products/brands. Each company is battling for consumer mind space and this has increased the scope of advertising. We can find advertising everywhere i.e., in our homes, in the shopping malls, on the street, in the subways, on public transport vehicles and even in office buildings. This proves that advertising is all pervasive and is becoming a powerful force, shaping attitudes and behaviors in today's world.

In the current fragmented market, the marketers are facing tough competition from their competitors. Each marketer has to prove himself to be better than his competitors. The cut-throat competitive market environment has made the advertising field very experimental and hence advertisers are adopting different measures to attract the attention of their target customers. They try to structure their advertisements in such a way that catches instant customer attention. For this, they try to use a blend of message appeals like rational, emotional, ethical, etc. to make a positive impact on the target audience. Aspirations, comfort, convenience, economy, efficiency, fear, love, nostalgia, pride, health, luxury, patriotism, sex and safety are some of the ideas that engage the minds and touch the hearts of the target audience, and ultimately motivate a response.

Being business entities, sometimes companies are carried away with their profit motives. They forget that as they are a part of the society, they have a responsibility towards the society, as well. Any activity of the company should not have an adverse effect on the society. The same stands true in respect of advertising also. With the growth in the reach and frequency of mass media, the advertising industry has also grown by leaps and bounds. It implies that the persons exposed to advertising are also growing with the growth of mass media and the advertising industry. On the one hand, it is a good sign for the marketers as they can now reach a larger audience by using mass media but on the other hand, it has increased their role towards the society. Now marketers have to be more socially responsible while making and presenting their advertisements as the presentation of advertisements can have a positive as well as a negative impact on the society.


Advertising Express Magazine, Ethics In Advertising, Economic Growth, Social Responsibilities, Consumer Mind Space, Indian Advertisement Ethics, Hindustan Unilever Limited, Decision-Making Process, Culture-Sensitive, Freedom Of Expression, Mass Media.