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HRM Review Magazine:
Human Sigma : A Holy Grail for Employee-Customer Engagement

Measuring and managing quality in all the remits of business has become a matter of paramount importance to the companies. Companies are increasingly adopting quality improvement tools like Six Sigma to ratchet up their quality of manufacturing. It is not uncommon to see companies using Six Sigma to measure the quality of processes involved in production. Seldom companies measure the quality of interaction employees have with customers. Human sigma is a quality tool with difference. It measures the quality of employee-customer encounters poignantly.


It may sound as a cliché but the fact of the matter is people are quite impossible to deal with. And with good reason too. One may buy trolley machines, a tractor or even install a sturdy chimney or furnace. One will have to pay the bucks through the nose. It is quite easy to figure out where the trolley or furnace will be kept, when it is likely to worn out, how much it is going to burn holes in your pockets by way of maintenance cost and when it is likely to turn into a veritable junk piece. People will not absolutely meet these conditions. Predictably, people are so unpredictable and unfathomable. Given this unpredictability, one can never say with a degree of certainty that it is quite easy to figure people out. Since people—and by the natural corollary the customers and employees, are so unpredictable than climate, it is preposterous to assume that they can be managed in set ways. It takes hell lot of a work and shameless audacity to manage the people. Few companies succeed. Many companies fall by the wayside. It is not uncommon to find companies religiously examining the quality of the processes involved in production. Companies seldom measure the quality of interactions employees have with external customers. There is no gainsaying the fact that every employee-customer interface can add or destroy the value for the organization. In spite of this pressing reality, many organizations take a dim view of managing or assessing every employee-customer interface. If only organizations care to keep tabs on every employee-customer interfaces, it can unravel the extent of differences in customer and employee satisfaction levels cutting across the divisions and layers in the company. Some banks in India are widely perceived to be excellent places to work. Some retail malls run by retail behemoths may have become the favorite place to hang out and shop until you drop dead. Many banks or super malls are equally worst. Not-so-pleasant employee-customer interfaces can dent company's bottom line and top line beyond repair. The overarching question that begs an answer is "how to ratchet up the quality of employee-customer encounters and diffuse such experiences across the company." The way forward is to assess the extent to which customers-employees are emotionally connected with the company. The fact is that highly satisfied, spirited and committed employees can connect with customers better. Customers who are engaged with your company can remain absolutely loyal and continue to buy your product. When employees and customers feel satisfied and connected, company's bottom line may skyrocket. By putting the entire array of customer-employee interface under the microscope, companies can manage it effectively and possibly identify few red flags or dangers signals that may threaten to whittle away at the bottom line.


HRM Review Magazine, Employee-Customer Engagement, Business Decisions, Customer Management, Human Sigma, Employee-Customer Interactions, Employee Engagement, Financial Services, Neurological Mechanism, Emotional Bonding, Succession Planning.