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HRM Review Magazine:
The Power of Human Sigma : An Enunciation

It is extremely novel to think about implementing Six Sigma to Human Resource Management. Though human resource is considered as an instrument to implement any quality movement in an organization, but never had a thought been given to implement Six Sigma for its own processes. In a human resource conference conducted at Chicago in 2009, it was stated that the role of HR in implementation of Six Sigma has to be defined and designed. To attain this reachable still-novel objective, the executives in the functional area of HR need to acquire the right skills and knowledge so as to add value to its own domain. Since the HR department interacts and influences every employee, it is the department that is best suited for implementation of any major changes. It can function as an instrument in driving profit and growth of business through the use of Six Sigma.


Organizations, in the process of thriving and preventing problems make decisions based on available data, gain some understanding on the problem by getting into the basics of the problems, takes up customer feedback to define the product success, etc. The problems can be proactively tackled by DMAIC mechanism. It is a structured method for improving business processes and is supported by statistical tools and control measures.

A process that performs at `Six Sigma' produces only 3.4 defects out of every million opportunities to produce a defect. Processes that perform at lower sigma levels (such as one sigma or four sigma) produce more defects per million opportunities.

Achieving `Belt' level in Six Sigma by some of the employees in the organization is a boon. By having the `Belt Level', these employees would have gained training on the technical aspects of Six Sigma and also would have got specific training on how to lead an initiative. Candidates during the tenure of attaining Six Sigma `Belt' must have handled a training project and also would have attended classroom training programs. Again after classroom sessions, they would be given projects and would expect to revert to classroom training for another week. This will go on until the selected employees acquire the necessary skills suitable to conduct their assumed roles in Six Sigma implementation.


HRM Review Magazine, Human Sigma, Human Resource Management, Six Sigma Implementation, Classroom Training Programs, Employee Empowerment, Employee Retention Strategies, Performance Monitoring System, Organizational Culture, Communication System, Six Sigma Methods.