The IUP Journal of Brand Management :
Abstract |
Some quote `employer branding' to be an indispensable strategy; others term it as a mere fad.
This paper aims at ascertaining the relevance of employer branding in India and whether it is
merely superficial or there is something more innate to it. A descriptive research, this paper, by means
of a structured, non-disguised questionnaire, seeks insight into this very niche and occidental
concept of employer branding in India. By using both deductive and inductive elements, the paper
identifies top three parameters and factors in a myriad of areas related to employer branding like
factors pertinent in developing the employer brand, attributes considered most important in attracting
new talent to the companies, challenges in managing an employer brand, metrics considered useful
for measuring the ROI for a company's employer brand, factors an employee considers important
about working with his company, communication media considered important for communicating
the employer brand, activities considered important in enhancing the employer brand, and
finally benefits arising from implementing employer brand. The dramatic changes in the workforce
trends and the immense competition in the labor market has made it imperative for companies to
develop strategies to differentiate themselves; the panacea to this problem is employer branding.
Employer branding undoubtedly is a significant precept of modern management, one that offers a fine
blending of the science of marketing with the art of enlightened human relations management. It is also
one of the strongest bulwarks ever against the scourge of unbridled employee attrition. |
Description |
Employer branding is one of the few long-term solutions to the "shortage of
talent" problem. Whereas most employment strategies are short-term and `reactive' to
job openings, building an employment brand is a longer-term, proactive solution designed
to provide a steady flow of applicants. Employment branding is the process of placing
an image of being a "great place to work" in the minds of the targeted candidate pool.
Employer branding is an occidental concept, used to define the strategic work
with becoming an "employer of choice". It is about continued marketing, which does not
end with a signed contract. Workers can be brand ambassadors for their workplace.
At the heart of employer branding is the need to understand what it is like to
work for an organization, and what drives employees' desires to keep working for
that organization. If an organization wants its employees to live up to the company
brand promise, it clearly needs to understand what drives their sense of engagement
or commitment. By focusing on employer brand, companies can better understand
the attributes which are likely to attract new recruits to a business, allowing them to
adapt their recruitment strategy accordingly. |
Keywords |
Brand Management Journal, Human Relations Management, Bbrand Ambassador,
Employer Branding,
Strategic Decision,
Brand Action Triangle, BAT,
National Capital Region, NCR,
Brand Leadership,
Relationship Management, Talent
Development Strategy.