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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Brand Positioning: Prerequisite for Success in the Indian Market

Positioning of brands in the minds of consumers is becoming an important determinant of market success. Does the consumer recognize and recall your brand? Has the brand been positioned in the right way in the minds of the consumers? Is it seen as synonymous with its product category? These are some questions which need to be answered by all marketers who wish to make a mark with their brands.


As quoted in Kotler et al (2007), the American Mar-keting Association defines brand as "a name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers to differentiate them from those of competitors." Brands have a significant role to play in marketing, as they can both add or destroy economic value.

Management consultant, Pran K Choudhury describes a brand as "the sum total of the particular satisfaction that it delivers to the consumer who buys that specific brand. This sum total relates in its entirety to its name, ingredients, price, packaging, distribution, reputation and, ultimately, performance." Hence, a brand gives meaning and direction to the product. Any brand like Colgate, Cadbury's or Heinz has been successful due to its brand building activities.

Laura Lake (2010), in her article on "What is brand and how important is it to your marketing strategy?" states that the objective that a good brand will achieve include: Delivering the message clearly, confirming credibility, connecting to the target prospects emotionally, motivating the buyer, and achieving user loyalty.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Brand Positioning, Indian Market, Brand Management, Brand Marketing, Brand Associations, Advertising Campaigns, Rural Market, Indian Culture, Foreign Brands, Indian Consumers.