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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Google Goggles: A Revolution in Visual Search Technology

Technological revolution in telecommunications and the Internet have led to dramatic changes in the way services can be provided to consumers and businesses. This article discusses Google Goggles - the new visual search technology introduced by Google, which enables searching based on visuals, using mobile phones having cameras and Internet browsers. It also brings to light how this technology can be a potential tool for businesses to reach out to their prospective customers.


Internet search engine is an inter- active tool for locating informa- tion via the World Wide Web. The search engine includes: (1) a database of keywords and internet addresses, (2) a query facility, through which the user submits keywords to the database to look for possible matches. This is the conventional text-based search engine, which we all are quite familiar with.

What is next in Internet search? Technology has advanced from text-based search and has now moved onto search-by-sight. Search-by-sight is a search technique that allows the user to search based on visual cues in place of text. All a user needs to do is to point his mobile phone towards an object and the mobile phone will display all search results from the Internet related to the object. One can then click through the search results to get further information about the chosen object. This is what Google Goggles would do for us.

Google Goggles is a new application from Google, which works on visual search technology. It enables users to take pictures from their mobile phones and use the same to search on the Internet. It is very useful to search for information on objects which one is unable to describe in words. There is no need to type in text. All one has to do is to open the Google Goggles application, snap a picture, and get the search results on Google. Incidentally, despite its name, the application does not require any kind of eyewear.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Google Goggles, Visual Search Technology, Internet Search Engine, World Wide Web, Android Operating System, Communication Channels, Computer Vision Algorithm, Global Positioning System, Residential Project, Online Translation Service.