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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Marketing of Banking Services

The competition may be intense, yet there is room for everyone. Even today, after nearly 63 years of independence, about half the Indian population does not have access to banks. And with rising income levels, the growth potential for banking services is immense. However, in the face of increasing competition, the survival and growth of a bank largely depends on its overall efficiency. Naturally, technological and managerial developments that have impacted the marketing of banking services have to be duly considered and adopted.


Banking is a personalized ser- vice-oriented industry and hence should provide services, which satisfy its customers' needs. These customers come from diverse sectors of the economy and different strata of society. Naturally, the need of each group of customers is different from that of the others. It is therefore necessary to identify different groups of customers, find out their specific needs, design products and services to suit their needs and deliver them in the best possible manner.

The marketing approach involves anticipating, identifying and satisfying (through designing and delivering customer-orientated services) customers' needs and wants effectively, efficiently and profitably.

Bank marketing refers to the creation and delivery of various services to present and prospective customers at some profit to the banks by integrating various banking activities effectively. Banks should always strive for creating new and innovative services, in accordance with the changing needs and lifestyles of their customers from time to time. This entails them to identify the present and future markets for banking services, select the market segments to be served, and set short- and long-term goals for existing and new services.

According to the National Institute of Bank Management, Pune, "Bank marketing is the aggregate of functions, directed at providing services to satisfy customers' financial (and other related) needs and wants, more effectively and efficiently than the competitors keeping in view the organizational objectives of the bank."


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Banking Services, Bank Management, Bank Marketing Process, Financial Services, Online Banking, Mobile Banking, Manufacturing Firms, Small Business Segments, Social Banking, Financial Companies, Customer Loyalty, Internet Banking Services, Customer Relationship Management, Indian Banking Sector.