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HRM Review Magazine:
The New Age of Working Through Virtual Teams



As technology grows by leaps and bounds, it is wise for organizations to operate in a virtual environment. Virtual teams are viable to reap the benefits of increased, globalized scale of operations. In order to get the best talent in time and sustain it, organizations need to apply the emerging trend of virtual teaming for growth and success. Virtual team management has thus become a real challenge for organizations. Building and maintaining successful virtual teams requires a powerful structure, comprehensive organizational policies and dynamic strategies.


Global spread of business has created a momentum and drastically changing the corporate world in recent years. Advancements in communication technologies alter the ways of operations in many organizations in a significant way. Undoubtedly, the office atmosphere is shifting from conventional methods of performance to new and convenient ways. In a fiercely competitive market, organizations can thrive and meet the business demands only by adopting latest techniques of performance.

In the present scenario, as the technology moves fast due global innovation and services, employers are changing plans and processes in quicker cycles than before. Talented employees are moving out among organizations at rapid rate and availability of qualified manpower at particular place for specific tasks is increasingly becoming tough for companies. In order to get the best talent in time and sustain it, organizations need to apply emerging trends among the international workforce. Virtual teaming is one of the current, most important techniques in this direction.

Knowledge workers who are the main players of virtual teams (also called dispersed teams), carry with them high level of technical expertise and advanced knowledge of their generation. Values and attitudes of these professionals towards work keep changing with changing times. Till recently, technical competence of team members was more than enough to produce desired results in a team. But, virtual team—the new avatar of conventional teams—can excel and accomplish miracles only when team people gel well and cooperate with each other.

Today, companies are investing heavily on tools, technologies, methods and approaches that they use for extracting maximum performance. It is highly important for them to foster a supportive environment to virtual team players which contribute to overall team/organizational success. If a dispersed team is managed properly, the results it can produce will be priceless. Many modern enterprises are on fast track in setting up virtual teams. However, they fail to recognize the need to handle those teams appropriately. It has become a real challenge to build successful virtual teams, maintain them effectively and derive the best of them.


HRM Review Magazine, What is a Virtual Team, Business Environment and Virtual Teams, Emerging markets, Mergers and acquisitions, Organization-wide projects, Globalized Market, Types of Virtual Teams, Project Development Teams, Offshore ISD Teams, Advantages of Virtual Teams, Drawbacks of Virtual Teams, Challenges of Virtual Teaming, Human Resource Management, Organizational Structure and Culture, Information Management System, Leadership and Members, Effective Virtual Team Management.