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Bluetooth: A Paradigm Shift in the Way We Live, Play and Do Business

Imagine a world where there will be no more array of cables littering the floor making you trip at times or cables gathering dust behind your PCs. Picture yourself connecting to the Internet from your laptop via your mobile phone, without taking it out of your bag or briefcase.

Fancy yourself listening to Walkman on your wireless headset, when suddenly your mobile ringsand without missing even a single beat, your headset switches from your Walkman to your mobile.

Visualize that data regarding any new telephone number or appointment entered into your mobile phone gets automatically updated into your PC or PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) as soon as you come within the range of either.

Again think of a situation in which you walk past your favorite food-joint and a beep in your mobile informs you of the "Special Dishes of the Day", and discounts, if any.

These are only some of the applications that are being made possible by Bluetooth. But it holds a lot more potential to come out with unimaginable realities, till now, which may be evident only in sci-fi movies. So, let us take a ride into the fascinating world of Bluetooth to learn about the technology, its history, its applications and other nitty-gritty.


Bluetooth, applications, technology, switches, realities, laptop, automatically, fascinating, wireless headset,technology, fascinating world, Visualize, discounts,headset switches.