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HRM Review Magazine:
Outsourcing Training and Development

The strategic move to outsource the Human Resource (HR) functions, especially training and development, has gained momentum. Though training is crucial to business, it is not the core competence of most businesses. The key strategic issue in insourcing versus outsourcing training and development depends on whether a company can achieve competitive advantage by performing the training and development function internally on a continual basis, or would it gain more efficiency by simply outsourcing it.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) in the last few years has left an impact on the way companies do business. Today, companies want to concentrate all their energy andmoney into those processes, which are unique to them and in which they have the requisite expertise. Leaner organizations clearly define "what we are best at" and the other non-core functions are left to the external services that have an edge over these functions. Here comes the role of BPO.

According to a leading HR publication, outsourcing is defined as "having an external vendor provide, on a recurring basis, a service that would normally be performed within the organizations."1 The company's decision for outsourcing has strategic implications. BPO brings innumerable benefits like concentration on core business activities, cost-effectiveness, access to world-class solutions and expertise, better utilization of resources, better management of activities, evolution of new ideas etc. These are all the consequences of a good outsourcing strategy.


Organizations, business, companies, competence, concentration,costeffectiveness, decision,efficiency, Human Resource (HR) functions, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO),expertise, better utilization of resources, better management of activities, evolution of new ideas .