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HRM Review Magazine:
Preparing the Faculty to Face Teaching Challenges

With the growing significance of the field of academia, the training and development has assumed the center stage. The article narrates the role of IU as a torch bearer in the field of training and development.

When Professor Kalyan Chatterjee embarked his career in education 30 years ago, teachers didn't get much in the way of mentoring, on-the-job training, or even hand holding. "On the first day of college," he recalls, the principal would say, "See you at lunch." At lunch he'd say, "See you in the faculty meet tomorrow."

Today, as dean of The IBS at Hyderabad, he is working to reinvent induction so that new teachers not only get off to a good start, but can continue expanding their skills and knowledge during the span of their teaching career.

IU is committed to the cause of higher education and making an effort to develop a more structured support to the new faculty that includes student mentoring and their individual professional development as teachers. The induction training is designed with an objective to provide an orientation to the new faculty members entering the IU system. The orientation revolves round the Institute's education philosophy and its firm belief that there is an urgent need to break the traditional teaching mould of "Chalk and Talk" and foster a participative learning environment. The focus is on the student and his learning and not the teacher and his teaching.

IU believes that a teacher can convert teaching into fine creative craft and make learning an exciting experience for the students. To make this happen, teachers need to do hard homework and must learn how to unlearn. He needs to constantly search to innovate and bring creativity of teaching methodologies to the table. Very often teachers are assailed by a doubt whether they can keep learning after hanging the degree robes on the hanger. On the contrary, the truth is that teachers learn more when they are on the job of teaching. The teachers at IU believe that learning is a continuous process. The faculty has no hesitation to sit in a classroom and try to comprehend an idea or topic that is alien to them. This dynamic learning process by IU faculty has immensely contributed to develop a clear pathway of teaching.


Training and development, reinvent induction, skills and knowledge, teaching career, higher education, professional development, orientation, education philosophy, learning environment, innovate,creativity,continuous process.