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Advertising Express Magazine:
3D Advertising

Conventional 2D in-store media vehicles like banners, danglers, displays, shelf-signs, cutouts, and posters no longer seem effective in grabbing customer attention. Moreover, modern retailers who spend huge money to decorate and build a good ambience dislike crowding their space with these posters and danglers and the smudges they leave. When advertisers are searching for an alternative, it appears 3D POP promotional tools in general and 3D VPS in particular may fit their bill and which may soon revolutionize in-store advertising.

Imagine your favorite mocktail or cold drink floating in the air before you, on a hot sunny day. You are dying of thirst and unable to control yourself, you reach out to grab itonly to end up with a fistful of thin air. fascinating world of 3D VPS-driven image advertising. Movie buffs, especially those who are fond of Star Wars, may have seen one or two such 3D images. Apart from movies and in medical sciences, these 3 Dimensional Volumetric Projection System (3D VPS) images find applications even in the field of marketing.

In Shoppers' Stop's campaign, last Diwali, for its in-house promotion on free diamond offers to First Citizen club members, 3D floor graphics were used just as in HLL's Domex campaign. The graphic beautifully illustrated diamond jewelry on top of coal, placed inside an open wooden door. The coal and wooden door were all virtual objects, and not real ones. The campaign was carried out for two months, in 16 outlets of Shoppers' Stop across eight cities and is known to have generated needed awareness for the store brand.



Conventional 2D,store media, banners, danglers, displays, shelf-signs, cutouts, posters, grabbing customer, modern retailers, huge money,decorate and build, good ambience, dislike crowding,posters and danglers, smudges, they advertisers.