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Global CEO Magazine:

The success of the Red Bull is arguably built on the clear vision of its promoter, Dietrich Mateschitz. But it is more that he has done in the form of advertising the brand and the activities linked to build up the brand. The success has been noted by many and Mateschitz's attitude compounded with his way of doing things differently in a big way, has attracted many likeminded entrepreneurs, such as George Lucas of Star Wars.

It is incredible to be here and I am enjoying every single minute of it. F1 is part of show biz and I always have the impression that when these drivers have closed their helmets they are the present day star warriors fighting for their territory-with each team representing another galaxy.

George Lucas obviously had the idea to team up with us - first because he is a big motorsport enthusiast and secondly because he knew that our attitude and his would match. So the project got off. And Bernie (Ecclestone) was very open to both our ideas and so it took off. Darth Vader being the `lollipop-man' in the race crew - and storm troopers to change tyres - what better images you can deliver?



success, Red Bull, clear vision, promoter, Dietrich Mateschitz, ,advertising brand, activities linked, Mateschitz's attitude entrepreneurs, George Lucas of Star Wars, incredible, enjoying every single minute.