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Global CEO Magazine:

The concept of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is relatively a new concept in the management world with its origins in late 1980s. The article traces the development of the definition of IMC since its inception to its recent evolution in 2004. The article also tries to find out the important parameters of IMC and the importance of each of the parameters in different products and services. The article explains as to the shift in strategic thinking required for implementation of IMC. Moreover, the amount of diffusion of IMC in the eastern part of the world is mentioned and the problems faced by companies in this part of the globe in implementation of IMC are also considered. The article ends with the criticisms of IMC by different researchers and also the answers to these criticisms.

The concept of marketing communications is not a very old concept. The concept was initialized by Tannenbaun, Larueborn and Schultz in late 1980s. According to them, IMC was "a concept of marketing communications planning that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that recognizes the strategic role of a variety of communication disciplines (such as advertising, direct response, sales promotion, etc.) and combines them to provide clarity, consistency and maximum communication impact." However, this definition has become obsolete and needs to be redefined. This definition was probably suited to the turbulent 1980s where there was the rapid development of direct marketing, public relations and sales promotions which grew rapidly to challenge advertising oriented marketing. But today with the advent of the internet, mobile commerce, global communications through satellites, this definition has become redundant. In late 1990s, Heidi Schultz and Don E Schultz bought about a new definition of IMC. According to them, "Integrated Marketing Communications is a strategic business process used to plan, develop, execute and evaluate coordinated measurable, persuasive brand communication programs over time with consumers, customers, prospects , employees, associates and other targeted relevant external and internal audiences". This definition is a huge improvement over the last definition. It places emphasis on audiences and not on communication and it views IMC as a strategic activity. However, this definition still suffers from drawbacks. It tells us the process to develop the output but not the outcomes of IMC. It also does not lay emphasis on the return on investments on the amount spent on IMC. So in 2004, Don Schultz came up with a new definition of IMC. The goal is to generate both short-term financial returns and build long-term brand and shareholders value." However, this definition of IMC is not the final definition. It may in the next few years turn out to be obsolete and a new definition need to be tuned in.



Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), management world, traces the development, IMC, important parameters,products and services,strategic thinking, implementation of IMC, amount of diffusion, IMC eastern part, implementation of IMC.