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Global CEO Magazine:

Cooperative advertising is a symbiotic effort between two distribution channel members or between a channel member and a manufacturer for pooling advertising money to increase the consumer base and to optimize profitability and brand reputation for brand or for business. it is simply shared advertising. It is a good way to stretch your advertising budget and reach more people with your marketing message.

With the advertising expenses reaching sky-high level, the partners of supply chain are pairing in for sharing the advertisement expenses through mutual cooperation, for reducing the individual advertising budgets and skimming the advantages of the powerful media of sales promotion namely advertising. The management experts name these efforts as a cooperative advertising and co-advertising .

Cooperative advertising is a symbiotic effort between two distribution channel members or between a channel member and a manufacturer for pooling advertising money to increase the consumer base and to optimize profitability and brand reputation for a brand or a business. It is simply shared advertising and a good way to stretch the advertising budget and reach more people with the marketing message. Cooperative advertising calls for constant effort on part of the people to be on the lookout for others with whom they can participate in advertising cooperations. It gives a better return for every single rupee spent on advertising and at the same time facilitates in the building of one's network of influence. Cooperative advertising is taking on many shapes and faces. It can be online or offline can be in multi-piece packages or multi-message single page flyers or fillers.



Cooperative advertising, symbiotic effort, shared advertising, advertising budge,people marketing message, advertising expenses,sky-high level, supply chain, sharing the advertisement, expenses through mutual cooperation, for individual advertising budgets and skimming.