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HRM Review Magazine:

It is a truism that the success of any organization depends on the extent to which it makes use of the human potential in the workplace or the extent to which it achieves effective knowledge management. People constitute the greatest source of dynamic inputs in any organization. Development of people, not only in their skill set, but also in their moral, ethical and spiritual values has now become necessary.

To "do" we need skills. To "become" we need values.

In the new millennium, changes are taking place at a breathtaking pace and human resources management faces new challenges. Traditional HRM concepts like restricted markets and individual performances are being replaced by globalization and group performance.

Constant environmental changes mean that human resource management faces constant challenges. HRM personnel must respond by taking advantage of the gradual yet profound changes in the nature of the field, current practices and the overall human resource management policies, mission and vision.



truism organization, human potential, effective knowledge management, People constitute, greatest source, dynamic inputs, organization, Development of people, skill set,moral, ethical and spiritual values,new millennium, breathtaking pace,human resources management faces, new challenges.