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HRM Review Magazine:

The healthy financial performance of an organization requires perfect staffing and this might result in loss of workforce, also called `Downsizing'. Downsizing as a corporate strategy is discussed at length here, which brings to light the employees' perspectives and the management's priorities. The makeover of `downsizing tactics' of organizations into `rightsizing exercises' is an effort to lend `sanctity' to the HR policies followed by most corporate entities.

Despite the fact that one may be an excellent employee, there is no guarantee of his presence in the organization in the wake of a rightsizing phenomenon that is catching the imagination of many corporate professionals today. Achieving a good financial performance necessarily demands a sound staffing pattern and this amounts to the loss of workforce in the name of downsizing. The weeding out of underperforming employees is getting justified in the name of rightsizing by many of the management thinkers; this requires a thorough debate on the possible implications and ethical perspectives of the act. Gone are the days where organizations used to focus upon `recruitment of workforce' as a key strategy to boost up production and thereby make huge profits in the long run. The growing concern towards market fluctuations and their impact on business fortunes has inevitably made corporate institutions to look towards finding new ways and means for improving their share in the national wealth. The justification for downsizing strategy finds reflection in Milton Friedman's words that any action that diminishes profits to aid other parties constitutes a "tax" on the shareholders' income.

Many experiments are being carried out in the name of re-engineering the organization's functioning, restructuring job assignments, and downsizing or rightsizing the workforce according to the market demands that speak a lot about the organization's efforts to keep up the market value for products and services delivered by it.



healthy financial, performance, organization requires, perfect staffing, loss of workforce, Downsizing, corporate strategy, employees' perspectives, management's priorities,downsizing tactics,rightsizing exercises,sanctity HR policies, corporate entities.