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HRM Review Magazine:

People working in various organizations need to be constantly updated with appropriate skills that would help them to perform their roles with increased efficiency, effectiveness, and excellence. Perceptible changes have already come, with organizations world over realizing the need for training and re-training people. Due to the fact that training is an important mechanism for Human Resources Development (HRD), certain issues that ail training functions in the organizations need to be given due consideration for making the training function effective in organizations.

With the increase of globalization and economic liberalization, organizations the world over have started facing challenges to cope with the increased competition, demands, and expectations. These changing demands that are being placed on organizations and their consequent streamlining have created both new challenges and other paradoxes. `People are our greatest asset' is on the lips of many leaders; yet the development budget is often the first target when lagging economies need to be revived [5]. As Peter Drucker points out, "For the first time in human history, it really does matter whether or not people learn." There is a greater need these days for devising more effective ways of delivering value to the organization by way of developing people. The fact that human competency development is an essential prerequisite for the growth and development of organizations is well-recognized now. For real development to take place, organizations need to check whether they have the right people in the places with the right competencies, knowledge, experience, and capabilities necessary for both current and future responsibilities. These call for well-planned Human Resource Development (HRD) strategies and policies. Various mechanisms can help the organizations in facilitating and managing their HRD functions. Training is one of the widely used mechanisms of HRD that helps the organizations to get the most from their HR, by developing a result-oriented culture throughout the organization.



People working, organizations, roles with increased efficiency, effectiveness, excellence, Perceptible changes, have training and re-training people, important mechanism, Human Resources Development (HRD), training functions, in the training function, effective in organizations.