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HRM Review Magazine:

The globalization of business has made many companies displace their experienced personnel overseas to spread their operations across national borders. Cross-cultural training of expatriates is an extremely important component for the success of the candidate on an overseas assignment. Such training processes greatly benefit the organization by reducing the failures of expatriates.

The rapid increase in global business operations by many MNCs has pitchforked expatriates' management to the forefront. An increasing number of companies are sending their experienced and star employees on overseas assignments to serve and extend the company's international operations. The profile of a typical expatriate employee could be a CEO, a manager or a domain expert. A high degree of responsibility and an element of complexity is the hallmark of an expatriate's job content.

All good employment practices commence with sound recruitment and selection. Given the complex job roles the expatriates are called upon to essay, there is always a pressure to identify and select the best talent in the job market. However, the selection procedure has not been consistent across companies. Many methods like evaluation by the personnel department, informal judgment of potential adjustment, and the ability and willingness to relocate in a foreign locale are some of the oft used methods for selection of expatriate assignments. Most companies recognize that interpersonal skills are critical for overseas success. Coupled with this trait, the ability to adjust to intercultural differences is the other important factor. One selection method that is usually adopted by companies is making use of what are known as Assessment Centers. However, the entire process of expatriate selection is very rudimentary despite the growing need to have a body of knowledge on the subject.



globalization, business, companies, experienced personnel, overseas spread their operations, national borders, Cross-cultural training, expatriates, component for the success,, overseas assignment,failures of expatriates.