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Ambush Marketing : Who Steals the Show?


Ambush or parasitic marketing would be the term that will be used in a few days to come, as FIFA 2006, the Football World Cup extravaganza, is all set to roll across the globe. Ambush marketing is not one that has come into the limelight recently; it has been a major cause for concern to official sponsors for over two decades. We have seen legendary ambushers over this time. But, now, they have widened their operations and can, thus, steal any show that is being hosted. Legal system and contract have been made broader and complex to curb further encroachment, but there is always room for innovation (read manipulation) that can carry away the show. Facts and figures are the testimonies citing the paramount threat of such unofficial brands. History has cited "eye widening" striking measures to protect the interests of the sponsors. This article leaves no stone unturned in revealing the how, where, who and what next of ambush marketing.

This term, `ambush marketing' was used in abundance during the recent controversy between the cricketers and the ICC. The aggressive stand of the sponsors of the ICC tournament fueled the fire by infusing a clause to prevent cricketers `hosting a brand' that has been currently endorsed by these star cricketers. Their contention is that they should provide enough escorts for being part of such an elite event. Eventually, they want to be recognized with the event that they have hosted, for which they have paid such a huge sum.

Ambush Marketing can be defined simply as "When a company signs a sponsorship contract for an event and its near rival hijacks the mind of its customer through the usage of various media and creates a strong association with the event despite not being the official sponsor". These companies try to haunt the customers through intelligent advertisements. Further, Ambush Marketing is also called as Parasitic Marketing.


Ambush Marketing : Who Steals the Show?,parasitic marketing,Football World Cup,across the globe,official sponsors,legendary ambushers,Legal system,broader and complex,encroachment,room for innovation,testimonies citing,paramount threat,unofficial brands,striking measures,interests.