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Advertising Express Magazine:
Trends in Advertising : Special Focus on Infilm Advertising

Advertising companies have identified an area in the form of infilm advertising where there is a captive audience, which is just not in a position to use the remote control to skip an ad by changing the channel. It is interesting to know what goes into infilm advertising and how this medium of promotion will develop in future. The phenomenon has found prominence since the mid1990s and is being used in films throughout the world. It is required to study secondary literature available in this direction. This issue can be looked at from various angles.


Advertising has so many myriad forms; and various people, amateur as well as professionals, have written volumes on each and every issue, giving qualitative as well as quantitative supplements to their schools of thought. Along with this advancement, film viewers in the 21st century have become highly aware of things happening around them. Moreover, in recent times, due to the burgeoning of multiplexes, all the different modes of advertising have got refashioned giving infilm advertising a new lease of life. The placement of any product or service in the films can vary from its minor display one or more times in the film to the extent of putting it as the central part of a film where the story revolves around the product or service. This display or demonstration of a product as part of the storyline or as a background, etc. needs to be researched. It can be specifically looked into from following angles.

a. Identification of an advertisement (distinct or routine): Most of us identify ourselves with certain advertisements more than others. Whether the advertisement is in print or audiovisual media does not matter. This trend is existing since time immemorial and it will continue for all times to come. When an organization wants to put its advertisement in the form of product placement in a film sequence, this aspect of identity needs to be correctly related to one or more aspects of the film. It is very important to identify whether an advertisement should go into the film or the product is placed in the backdrop or as a prop used by the actors or actresses.


Advertising Express Magazine, Conventional Advertisements, Decision Making Process, TV Advertisement, Product Placement, Traditional Advertising, Decision Making Power, Infilm Advertisement, Traditional Media, Conventional Forms, Strategic Placements.