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Lifestyle Marketing : The New Paradigm


The success of a business is directly linked to the degree to which the companies products and marketing strategies, especially communication, reflect the lifestyle of the targeted people. This gives them a competitive business advantage in the market. The role of brands and products in consumer lifestyles is tremendous, and definitely provides insights into companies marketing and advertising strategies. The outcome is very high visibility and vital awareness of the product among the consumers. In a nutshell, successful companies are those that recognize lifestyle as a tactical tool for a marketer to have an enhanced understanding and knowledge of the market and the target consumers.

In the 21st century, the outlook of "lifestyle marketing" as the latest merchandising strategy to enthrall the customers has become the buzzword after the 1980s' "Niche Marketing" and the 1990s' "Branding" craze. In the ever changing business scenario, one may find lifestyle being the defining factor that keeps a company one step ahead, since lifestyle marketing has assumed a new paradigm in today's competitive business world.

Lifestyle has a psychological influence that affects buying behaviorreflecting a person's choice of how one spends time and money, and the attitudes and values attached to these behavioral patterns. It is a pattern of living that is articulated through activities, interests, and opinions, and affected by demographics like a person's age, education, income, social class, etc. While, lifestyle marketing attempts to group customers according to some amalgamation of three categories of variablesActivities, Interests, and Opinions (AIO)and identifies the potency of a customer's chosen lifestyle to determine the sort of products purchased and the specific brands that are further likely to appeal to the chosen lifestyle segment.

Lifestyle marketing is defined as "... any promotional activity shaped around the interests, attitudes, opinions, and way of life of consumers". Essentially, therefore, lifestyle marketing works best when companies are able to connect with the lifestyle pattern of how their existing and potential customers live, by developing effective marketing strategies that seamlessly fit with their way of living. This is evident from the success stories of lifestyle brands across various groupsapparel, motorbikes, shoes, cosmetics, etc.where the companies have won the marketplace by spending millions of rupees or dollars in developing the work and making efforts that support the beliefs and core values of the consumers.


Lifestyle Marketing : The New Paradigm,products and marketing,marketing strategies,especially communication,targeted people,competitive business, role of brands,consumer lifestyles,companies marketing,advertising strategies,successful companies,tactical tool,target consumers,consumption patterns,customer perceptions,benefits of the products,group consumers, demographic information,appropriate locations.