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Advertising Express Magazine:
How Advertising Works and Its Subliminal Effects

Normally, our comprehension of things is at the conscious level. Most of the advertisers communicate to us at our conscious level and we grasp the meaning of the communication. To most people, purchase is a logical decision. But Charles Futrell disagreed and said that most of the communications go through the black box (brain), and we respond either positively or negatively without knowing why we choose a product while rejecting another. In this article we also discuss the implications of subliminal (literally below threshold) communication in advertising. In the case of a subliminal effect, we may process information without being aware of it. A weak stimulus may trigger a weak response, though at a conscious level we may not be aware of that feeling.


Some psychologists reveal that the messages we receive in our subconscious or subliminal level may have some impact on our attitude and behavior. If we receive any message consciously we comprehend its meaning quite easily, but the same may not hold true when the message is communicated to the target customers below the threshold level or at the subliminal level. Still some research has found that subliminal messages also have influence on us because we comprehend some message at the unconscious level too. Advertisers use subliminal messages in their ads to influence consumer behavior. Normally, these ads communicate below the level of conscious awareness and hope that consumers will perceive the stimuli without being consciously aware and act upon that impulse.

Some marketers believe that if anything regarding sex is communicated directly to the target consumers, they may reject it as the communication may not be acceptable to them. There is a common feeling that cheap and ordinary products have strong sexual implications. A lot has been debated on whether to use sex directly in advertisements or not. It has been widely accepted by marketers that sex is one of the strongest appeals to sell products. Perennially, we have seen the application of sex in advertisements, which is a very persuasive force for consumers to buy the product. Sex has this irresistible power to entice consumers and very few are able to escape it.


Advertising Express Magazine, Subliminal Effects, SMCR Communication Process, Advertising Process, Cognitive Learning, Mutual Funds, Subliminal Advertising, Entrepreneurs, Marketing Practitioner, Cognitive Learning, Marketing Practitioner.