] HRM Review Magazine | Corporate Recruitment : An Art or a Task?
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HRM Review Magazine:
Corporate Recruitment : An Art or a Task?

The article primarily focuses on the issues and challenges faced in corporate recruitment, and lays emphasis on the factors that the employees consider in selecting a company to work for.


Many HR departments/HR managers/Corporate recruiters/Job consultants (henceforth commonly named as "recruiters") hardly view recruitment as a building block of the organization and pay the price. No doubt, the high supply of unemployed population provides the employers an ample choice to make, but at the same time they should not ignore employee's values.

The globalized business scene is getting complex day by day with megamergers, acquisitions, expansions and globalization becoming a part and parcel of organization activity. Each company tries to train and promote people in their functional areas but tremendous effort has to be made to network these people. The emphasis should be laid on recruiting diverse manpower in terms of the skills they possess.It is very easy to copy a technology, infrastructure, advertisement, distribution channel and what not from the competitors. But the people (workforce/employees) are the only precious and invaluable asset that can't be copied.No tangible assets like latest technology, infrastructure or monetary wealth can help an organization to gain increased profits, market share and brand identity. It is the employees of the organization who apply their energy, brain and time to make sure the assets are applied in the best possible and profitable manner.

The success of any organization depends largely on its workforce. The organization has to guide the employees to work with full commitment in order to realize the organization's goals. Changes in the corporate values will have a lasting impact on the values of the employees. This calls for creative and flexible recruitment policies in order to retain the talented workers. The changes in corporate values can be attributed to the indiscriminate use of downsizing or rightsizing policy. The corporates are busy in making changes to their workforce by constantly planning according to the marketplace dynamics.


HRM Review Magazine, Corporate Recruitment, Business Environment, Social Networking, Economic Times, Return On Investment, ROI, FMCG Company, Hindustan Lever Limited, HLL, Organization Activity, Corporate Recruiters, Business Standard, Adventurous Environment, Home Markets, Top Management.