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HRM Review Magazine:
Employees as Brand Ambassadors

The organizational identity can be designed by the organizations conscious efforts with strategic measures. If it is effectively used, the productivity and the efficiency of employees will increase as they identify themselves with the organizational brand. The employees themselves become the brand ambassadors to carry forward the mission of the organization, as they effectively engage in building a strong employer brand. Hence, employee engagement through organizational identity should be the focus if the objective of the organization is to succeed in its ventures.


A horse can be pushed, pulled, beaten, cajoled, enticed and taken to the water but it can't be made to drink. In the same way, an organization may provide the best tools, machines and materials for workers. But, if the employees are not engaged, the organization will lose the competitive advantage. On the other hand, if there is a dedicated workforce, limitations of tools and other inputs will not be construed as obstacles for bringing out quality products.

When a person is hired, an organization is only hiring the labor of the employee. The other aspects have to be nurtured while the employee is engaged in the organization. Gone are the days when by providing high remunerations and excellent amenities, organizations were able to bring out the best in the employee. Now it is commitment, devotion, enthusiasm, energy, interest, intelligence, etc., of a person that determines his/her performance. The most obvious example is the IT and the BPO industries, which undoubtedly are the best paymasters but also experience a high attrition rate as they are unable to provide the necessary `push' to retain, engage and encourage the employees.

The organizational identity can be designed by the organizations conscious efforts with strategic measures. If it is effectively used, the productivity and the efficiency of employees will increase as they identify themselves with the organizational brand. The employees themselves become the brand ambassadors to carry forward the mission of the organization, as they effectively engage in building a strong employer brand. Hence, employee engagement through organizational identity should be the focus if the objective of the organization is to succeed in its ventures.


HRM Review Magazine, Brand Ambassadors, Organizational Identity, Talent Enhancement Group, Employee Engagement, Employer Branding, BPO Industries, Quality Products, Food Service Company, Human Resource Strategy, Training & Development, Decisionmaking Process.