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HRM Review Magazine:
A People Perspective of Corporate Turnarounds

Turnaround is an upheaval, a change process; it is more than a rejig of accounts and business models. Employee involvement is the key to successful turnaround, as is evidenced by the examination of some companies in India and elsewhere. This article discusses the dynamics and the strategies that involve employees in turnarounds.


If `turnaround' was used as a term for free association, our instant recall would be of terms like finance, cash flows, product profile, business models and the like. Few would associate the term `corporate turnaround' instantly with employees or people. However, we realize that turnaround is much more than a strategic and accounting exercise. Turnarounds mean substantial changes in the shortest possible time. It is usually a case of "I need the solutions yesterday." At stake is the company's image, credibility and, at times, its very survival. The numbers game is an important part of any restructuring exercise. But the softer aspects, i.e., the people aspects are the defining bases upon which rests the success or failure of the changes initiated.

The business environment today is highly dynamic. The highgrowth sectors and the services industry have witnessed the boomandbust cycle. The dotcom bubble and its aftermath are not too far from the minds of people. Despite the major ups and downs, some companies were able to adapt themselves, anticipate changes and move from strength to strength. There were others who could not match the pace and went bust. There is yet another class of companies that seek to draw attention to themselves. These are the ones that went into the red, touched the nadir, despaired and then, rose from the ashes like the Phoenix. They fell and they rose; they beat the expectations and went back into black.These corporate turnarounds are often studied and highlighted for their financial restructuring and their business decisions. It is important to note that the path makers in these cases had the support and the strength of their employees as cotravelers in the turbulent journey of turnaround. The people are the ones who ultimately take the process through to its rightful goal.


HRM Review Magazine, Corporate Turnarounds, Business Models, Corporate Turnaround, Business Environment, Board for Industrial & Financial Reconstruction, BIFR, Electronics Corporation of India Ltd., ECIL, R&D Department, Services Industry, Employee Satisfaction Survey.