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HRM Review Magazine:
Persuasion : A Change Strategy

Change management has been one of the hot topics in the field of management for the last three to four decades. Changing employees attitude is a very tough job for managers, but somewhere in the organization, groups of people are already doing things differently and in a better way. For the creation of a lasting change, these positive deviant groups have to be identified and persuaded to follow the change program. Under their influence, others might also follow the same. Hence, a new change model is required for the modern organizations.


Persuasion may be defined as a process of convincing someone to believe or act on something. Here, the influencer tries to convince other people to change their attitudes or beliefs relating to an issue through his/her message in an atmosphere of free choice. It is a problem solving strategy, and it does not take the route of coercion.

The word `persuasion' is sometimes used in place of `coercion' that involves the use of violence, force, or threat in order to get people to act according to the will of the persuader. Attitude of people can be changed by persuasion. It is the process of a source which is trying to change the attitude of the target. But there are certain factors, which affect this process, viz., the characteristics of the target, the characteristic of the source, the message characteristic, and the individual's cognitive evaluation of the process.

`Change'can be defined as `an alteration in status quo' (Bartol and Martin, 1994). It can be forced upon an organization or it can be planned for. Planned change is all about using change management techniques to reduce the probability of occurrence of unfavorable outcomes.


HRM Review Magazine, Persuasion, Change Management, Information and Communication Technologies, ICT, Organization Development, Systematic Management, Conventional Presentation, Communication Strategy, Persuasion Campaign, Modern Economy, Problem Solving Strategy.