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The IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior :

Father Leadership and Project Management in Kazakhstan

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In this paper, the researcher is convinced that project management is given an edge when project leaders apply "the vital soft skills and high relationship" aspects, that is, `father leadership'. This is an expanded version of the paper first presented in the 3rd Project Management Symposium in Almaty in October 2004.The researcher presents the concept of `father leadership in project management', its practice and benefits, in the form of 6Cs. The project leader, while applying such leadership strategies, can secure the `allinthefamily' touch and effectively ensure the project's successful completion.

Projects are normally constrained by limited resources and a project is "a novel undertaking to create a new product or service, the delivery of which signals completion" (quoted in Wideman, 2004: 5). The project leaders are to extend their personal influence in order to generate positive effects, along with obtaining results for the organization. "Leadership involves the influencing of others through the personality or actions of the individual" (Maylor, 2003: 248). Leadership is the individual's positive influence on his or her people.

Businesses, like sports, are always looking for an edge over competition. In project management that edge comes not only from investments in technology or time planning but rather from father leadership. Most project management books tend to stress on project scope, project time, project cost and project quality management. A book entitled The Four Pillars of Project Management discusses the above but leadership is not included. There appears to be a littleeven so, not an overtemphasis on the `critical people' or on the soft skills aspect.


Father Leadership and Project Management in Kazakhstan, project management, leadership strategies, project leader, positive effects, Businesses, project scope, project time, project cost and project quality management, soft skills.