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Advertising Express Magazine:
Barter System in Outdoor Ads : Starring Vijay TV, Chennai

 This article attempts to offer an innovative concept of barter system in outdoor advertising. Television media, over the last six years, has seen drastic growth in terms of number of channels and contribution to GDP. Vijay Television, Chennai, has shown interest in the possibility of barter system in outdoor advertising i.e., free advertising of their TV programs in outdoor hoardings in return of advertising the hoarding companies in their TV channels without charging any money. This is based on the simple barter system followed in olden days. Though such barter system in outdoor advertising is not popular today, there is no doubt that the deal of barter will gain popularity when the contracting parties realize their mutual benefits through it.


Television media is one of the fastest growing entertainment sectors in India. In the last six years, it has seen drastic growth in terms of number of channels and contribution to the nation's GDP. In the city of Chennai itself, 12 channels are operational. Each and every channel differs from the other in providing diverse varieties of programs and each busy in finding ways to woo and excite the viewers. In order to survive the prevailing tough competition and sustained development, the TV channels are forced to bring in creativity in their programs.

The channels are generating revenues for their organizations mainly by way of getting sponsors for their programs. The rates of advertisements are decided based on the viewership of the channels; the details of viewership are published by the neutral agencies like Indian Market Research Bureau.


Advertising Express Magazine, Barter System, Gross Domestic Products, GDP, Advertising Channels, Indian Market Research Bureau, Research Methodology, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, FMCG, Advertising Strategies, Entertainment Industry.