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Advertising Express Magazine:
Go Guerilla with Buzzoodler: The Latest Buzz in Advertising

 This article discusses about current marketing trends such as guerilla marketing, buzz marketing or the blend of both, i.e., buzzoodle and their impact on small and large businesses. They mean undercover marketing when people are caught unaware into the marketing trap. The authors feel that much emphasis should be laid on the creative aspects of promotional strategy which could be inexpensive and effective to generate more profits for the concern.


"Necessity is the mother of invention" so goes the adage. In the struggle for existence, it is a fight or flight syndrome which is seen in today's e-marketing era. Innovative thinking, unique ideas and fresh promotional strategy—all throw light on one's company, product or service, ultimately reaping in more revenue. Various strategies as guerilla marketing, buzz marketing, buzzoodler are undoubtedly making silent success waves in the marketing arena.

Guerilla marketing, as described by Jay Conrad Levinson in his popular book Guerilla Marketing, 1984, is an unconventional way of performing promotional activities on a very low budget. Such promotions are sometimes designed so that the target audience is left unaware that they have been marketed to and may therefore be termed as a form of undercover marketing (also called stealth marketing).


Advertising Express Magazine, E-marketing, Guerilla Marketing, Promotional Strategy, Word-of-Mouth, WOM, Advertising Channels, Electronic Marketing, Marketing Strategies, Online Marketing, Buzz Marketing, Marketing Management.