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Advertising Express Magazine:
Green Consumerism

 This article on Green Consumerism highlights the problems associated with environmental pollution and the role of manufacturing of a variety of products in this creation of pollution. It presents the emergence of markets for green products leading to a rise of green consumerism and the process of planning for the future with respect to these.


We are all under the false notion that the world is free from environmental pollution because of the various efforts taken up by developed countries and the multinational companies. But what about manufacturing semiconductors, cell phones, batteries, etc. which are dangerously chemical-intensive. The life of these products are very short but they may cause enormous electronic wastes. Recently, consumers are increasingly being aware of the importance of environment protection. On this regard, consumers have gradually developed a preference for products with green attributes and those produced under environment-friendly conditions. It is interesting that there is a demand for green products and businessmen are keen to generate more environment-friendly products to meet it. Even eco-labeling networks are formed to monitor and evaluate green products that have been developed in many countries. These networks have done life cycle analysis to understand the impact of these products on humans.

What is actually a green product then? The word green itself is self-explanatory. It indicates conservation, sustainability, equity, fair trade, social responsibility, etc. The Green Consumer Super Market guide by John Elkington, Julia Hailes, Joel Makower1have discussed several characteristics that a green product must essentially possess. They contended that a green product should not


Advertising Express Magazine, Green Consumerism, Eco-labeling Networks, Environment Protection, Environmental Ethics, Environmental Initiatives Companies, Environmental Strategy, Green Marketing, Organizational Behavior, Environmental Protection Community, Government Environment Policy,