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Advertising Express Magazine:
Keyword Optimization : An Essential Feature of Online Brand Visibility

 Every Internet marketer wishes for top ranking and displays of brand visibility in the search engines. A website obtains top ranking and displays when it contains popular and exclusive keywords which are placed in accordance with the technological aspects of search engines. This article discusses the necessity and objectives of the keywords and importance of keyword optimization to facilitate searching. The author highlights on the importance of research and strategy for selecting the suitable keywords, placement and optimization. It also throws light on tag, meta tag, prominence, proximity, and density, etc. and improvement of keyword optimization.


When an average Internet user browses for something on the Internet, usually he visits one of the known or top search engines like Google or Yahoo! and runs a search. Usually, the visitor navigates over the first 20 or 30 search results. In normal circumstances, the Net user does not go beyond three pages of the search engine. If the searcher does not find any interesting or necessary matter within 30 searches, the Net explorer will visit yet another search engine and will use either same keywords or other words. Here also, the Web user will look through the first 30 searches (three pages) of the search engine. If the navigator does not find the result within 20 or 30 searches he will visit the third search engine. This is a typical behavior of an average Internet user. Webreference.com informs in The Ultimate Keyword Optimization Guide that 86% of all the 110 million Web users behave in the above manner.

Keyword is the term used for words included in a Web page that would match words used by Web surfers in finding that Web page through a search engine. Keywords can simply be words included in the body text of the document or added to the header using Meta tags to increase the number of keywords. Selecting keywords which match the aimed prospects' use of the Web is a critical marketing tactic.


Advertising Express Magazine, Keyword Optimization, Search Engines, Internet Marketers, Keyword Marketing, Internet Marketing, Internet Business, Marketing Community, Web-Content Management, Keyword Optimization Strategy, Google AdWords, Search Engine Optimization, SEO, Search Engine Marketing.