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Advertising Express Magazine:
Importance of Brand in Laboratory Chemical Business : Is It Fading?

 This article assesses the All India Laboratory Chemicals market and devises an effective strategy for successful marketing of the chemicals assuming the prevalent cut-throat competition and also taking into consideration the importance of brands in this line of business. While the recommendations are such as to be applied countrywide, special emphasis has been given to Southern part of India.


A brand has functional and emotional elements which create a relationship between customers and the product or service. The present study was conducted among the business circles in Kerala with special emphasis on Cochin. The study was conducted among the major consumers of laboratory chemicals viz. industries, schools, colleges, hospitals, clinics, laboratories, diagnostic centers, research institutions etc.

Companies should have a long-term perspective with regard to all the factors like customer complaints, customer feedback, after sales service, customer relations, etc. Today's customers are very discerning and looks not only for brands but also checks the prices.


Advertising Express Magazine, Laboratory Chemical Business, India Laboratory Chemicals Market, British Drug Houses , BDH, Customer Relationship Management, Modern Management, Brand Management, Sales Services, Diagnostic Centers.