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Advertising Express Magazine:
The Monk : Who Coded His Life

 The article describes recruitment advertising and the reasons for its growth in the recent years. It attempts to highlight the basic principles involved in recruitment advertising and explains how recruiters can make the most out of their investment in it, especially in today's talent crunch scenario.


Well "The Monk who coded his life" is not yet another Robin Sharma best-seller, but a catchy recruitment byline for a company planning to recruit highly skilled people in IT. Mind-boggling recruitment ads are the call of the day, today, with companies vying with each other to hit the jackpot of the right candidate. Pick-up any newspaper or tabloid that has a section on jobs and you will find terrific phrases and colorful ads seeking your attention. The intent of course is to tap the demand for talent that is becoming precious and strategic everyday. Recruitment advertising has finally come of age from the dull looking black and white Employment Newspaper to colorful newspaper supplements like HT - Power Jobs, The Hindu - Opportunities, Times Ascent and the like.

Ask any HR manager or recruiter and you will come to know how crucial recruitment advertising is becoming to source the right talent. With everyone talking about talent crunch, the wars for talent is hot like never before and as marketers are keen on eyeballs and brand recall, recruiters are going overboard to find the right number of people for their organizations. A glance at any newspaper, journal or blog and one can easily guess the talent crunch scenario hitting the world. Companies today prefer advertising for skilled, talented and committed employees, the strongest pillars of an organization, even over advertising for their products.


Advertising Express Magazine, Monk, Information Technology, IT, Recruitment Advertising, Banking Sectors, Insurance Sectors, Entertainment Industries, Work Environment, Corporate Brand, Return on Recruitment, Foreign Companies.