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Advertising Express

The role of in-store promotion has been rapidly gaining a prominent share in the marketing strategies of retailing organizations. The increasing influx of new players into retail industry has ignited the momentum of competition in order to capture mind and market share of target consumers. This article identifies the key indicators which may influence the buying decision of consumers.


Organized retailing industry has been witnessing a mammoth growth in terms of footfalls and sales. The organized retailers adopt both conventional and unconventional indoor and outdoor promotion strategies in order to retain the consumers and to keep the competition at bay as well. The lack of differentiation on the offerings from the different retailers influences consumers to make impulse in-store buying decision. These decisions are largely influenced by the in-store promotion offered by the retailers. Such decisions are non-linear in nature and the retailers cannot predict the buying pattern of consumers and its relationship with the in-store promotion.

The retailing frenzy has attracted many leading business houses to invest billions in this growing sector. The sudden spurt of outlets varying from hypermarts to neighborhood store formats leave consumers dizzy and indecisive as regards the choice of shopping. Each player is deploying high decibel indoor and outdoor promotion strategies and tactics to gain mindshare and wallet share of target consumers. However, the players are finding it difficult to map the right consumer segment as most of the players offer homogeneous product categories and can differentiate only through service offerings.

The service offerings do not have much of the required difference as expected by the leading players. Hence, the players would normally depend heavily on high decibel indoor and outdoor promotion strategies. Especially, the in-store promotion would come handy in influencing consumers to make in-store impulse decisions.

The in-store promotion could be broadly categorized into two categories—monetary- and non-monetary-based in-store promotion schemes. The monetary-based in-store promotion schemes offer the price off offers, unit or volume discount offers, combo or bundle offers, etc. These schemes primarily attract the consumers by offering on-the-spot cash in or saving benefits.

The non-monetary in-store promotion deals with the product/brand communication to the target consumers. This promotion would normally spread across the store. The location of this type of promotion is very vital to capture the consumers' attention so as to influence their buying decision.


Advertising Express Magazine, Marketing Strategies, Retail Industry, Meticulous Planning, Promotions Strategies, Socioeconomic Classifications, Retail Stores, Monetary Based Promotion, Consumer Behavior, Customers Loyality, Unique Value Proposition.