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Advertising Express

The last decade has witnessed a phenomenal growth in advertising business. Internet is the latest form of mass communication that provides users with a new economy of information distribution and acquisition. Advertising on the Web has become one of the most significant developments in the industry. This article explains the concept of Internet advertising and attempts to identify the issues therein.


In the early 1990s, changes in the economic policies opened the doors for global competition and a new economic era was begun. In the new era, the business houses started exploring new modes of communication to strike a balance between speed and cost in order to reach the target audience more effectively. Advertising is a part of everyday life and can be considered as the mirror as well as the maker of the culture—its words and images reflect the present and the past. It helps in stimulating demand for new products by communicating relevant information and facts. It offers consumers a right to choose by providing a variety of options in terms of price, features and benefits. It creates an opportunity for the consumers to take on the favorable viewpoints in a promotional message. The main goal of an advertisement is to widen the probability that a customer will buy a particular product.

According to Chunawalla and Sethia (2003), advertising is multidimensional and is a form of mass communication, a powerful marketing tool, a component of the economic system, a means of financing the mass media, a social institution, an art form, an instrument of business management, a field of employment and a profession. American Marketing Association (1948) defined advertising as any paid form of non-personal communication about an organization, product, service or idea by an identified sponsor. Advertising is the non-personal communication of marketing-related information to a target audience, usually paid for by the advertiser and delivered through mass media in order to reach the specific objectives of the sponsor (Burnett, 1998).


Advertising Express Magazine, Internet Advertising, Economic Policies, Mass Communication, Business Management, Mass Media, Media Advertisements, Web Advertising, Global Strategy, Entrepreneurial Companies, American Marketing Association, Economic Policies.