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Advertising Express

All soft drink products are fun products and Pepsi is no exception. The brand has long been associated with fun, excitement and sports. Pepsi's association with cricket is well-known and these associations have given huge mindshare, revenue and of course, profit to Pepsi. These associations may be the company's strategic intent. The Pepsi name has become synonymous with all these associations and very interestingly, the brand has been successful in making a terrific mental connect with the young generations through these associations, especially in India. Many Pepsi consumers still reminisce its famous old slogan, yeh dil mange more, aha!!!!!—an awesome slogan that mesmerized the Indian consumers for years.


Upon its entry to the Indian market, the company's wanted to excite its prospective consumers with fun and frolic and made sure to have a very strong association with `cricket' for the purpose. This image connect with Pepsi and its mental connect with consumers were mind-blowing brand exercise.

In one world cup cricket, Coke was the official drink and the official sponsor. Pepsi broke all marketing conventions and created a high decibel noise by saying, "There is nothing official about it!" and this unofficial drink became the most preferred fun drink among millions of young people. After that Pepsi has done series of campaigns, but the major theme was revolving around fun, excitement and cricket.

Pepsi may look for strategic partner for co-branding as part of its branding exercise. Co-branding helps the growth of both the brands involved. If romanticism and youth are the associations of Pepsi, it should look for another brand as a partner to promote this association as part of their brand development exercise.

In my opinion, Vodafone, with its global presence and image, may like to have an association which can help them become a cut above the rest. The associations of fun, excitement and romance are well- accepted by all generations across the globe. Romance is well-accepted globally and it cuts across all age groups. We all know how newspapers feasted on the story of French President Sorkozy's marriage to Bruni and the new girl in Russian President Putin's life.


Advertising Express Magazine, Pepsi Association, Indian Market, Brand Personality, Communication Strategy, Brand Development Strategy,Innovative Ideas, Brand Ambassadors, Global Branding, Indian Consumers, Marketing Strategy.