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The HRM Review Magazine :

The rapidly changing social network scenario for seeking and building relationships and the gamut of technological inventions for social networking have absolutely changed the total scene of people-relationship and community-formation. Networking relationships and membership sought from like-minded people around the globe for various reasons create a competitive advantage for an institution or an entity in the marketplace. This article describes social networking as a blueprint for competitive advanatage.


Man being a social animal tends to seek relationship with his family members and friends and socialize with others to form bonded relationships on the basis of common interests and desires. When many people seek relationship, a network is formed as a group/society or a community wherein people reap benefits through mutual sharing and helping in referrals for each other. Effective networking helps find hitherto unexplored opportunities and provides one with a distinct competitive advantage.

Social networking can be developed in schools, colleges, workplaces or businesses too. Networking can be done by attending parties, dinners, professional seminars and social gatherings. With the advent of new technologies, the Internet has become an added advantage to the social networks, as it meets the users' varied needs ranging from maintaining contact with distant colleagues, finding friends and life mates, business deals, knowledge-sharing, product promotions, recruitment to job referral and for various reasons that mutually benefit each other.


HRM Review Magazines, Social Networking, Global Working Environment, Social Networking Sites, SNSs, Globalization, Customer Relationship Management, India Trade Promotion Organization, ITPO, Online Social Networks, Communication Policy.