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The HRM Review Magazine :

Business intelligence has become a central element to every growing organization. Managers need to coordinate their groups' work and participate in decision- making at all levels. The pressure to accept and seek greater responsibility is immense. The motivation to produce effective and viable results on time is a `reward'. For such outputs, multiple intelligences in managers become a necessity rather than an option. This article concentrates on linguistic, kinesthetic and spatial intelligence for managers in leadership positions.


The human being is also more than his or her intellectual powers. Perhaps more crucial than intelligence in the human firmament are motivation, personality, emotions and will. Almost all the theories of intelligence, whether they are singular or more, are there in the brain and are also measured. However, the theory of multiple intelligences had a set back of individual-centered favoritism although the theory was formulated to take into consideration different cultures.

Each individual's potential is totally unrelated to another's potential. This is proved through research on brain injury and the abilities of each individual's talent or drawback. Gardner has, therefore, said that these seven intelligences are intrinsic and independent. Further, he argues that there aren't any general competencies which best describes powerful performances across intelligences. To mention a few, general competencies include memory, judgment, or even strategic thinking. A fine example given by him to explain this is that the ability to remember music is entirely different from the ability to remember how to move from place to place.


HRM Review Magazine, Intellectual Competence, Business Intelligence, Decision Making Process, Strategic Plan, Leadership Styles, Intelligence Quotient, IQ, Kinesthetic Intelligence, Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP, Leadership Qualities, Emotional Quotient, EQ.