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MBA Review Magazine :

A business education is much more than just classroom learning. To meet the growing demands of the corporate world, MBA graduates must apply the skills they have learnt in the virtual world of the classroom to the real world of business.


While the Masters degree program equips students with specialized knowledge in fields such as history or economics, the MBA course prepares them for the real business world through practical business case studies. Therefore, the skills learned in MBA courses are more transferable than those of other courses. They also have energy, vigor and a depth of understanding of general management principles. Even if a lawyer joins an MBA course to become a management consultant, business education would probably provide him with the practical skills to accompany the `softer' skills learned in the realm of law.

In today's competitive business world, the demanding nature of the MBA course can prepare one for any high-pressure, self-thinking type of career. "But don't take all potentially acquirable skills for granted—many business schools don't teach the essential skills necessary to survive in today's business arena," says an MBA recruiter. "Many schools seem to neglect leadership development and organizational behavior at the MBA level, despite these subjects being central to executive education courses."

he further adds. Are business schools that offer the MBA program out of sync with the needs of business in the 21st Century? Are they too theoretical and removed from the day-to-day challenges faced by managers and entrepreneurs? Have they failed to keep pace with global and technological changes? These questions are taking on greater importance as the business world becomes ever more globalized and competitive. Joel Podolny, Dean of Yale's School of Management suggests, "There's lots of experimentation, and we have to adopt new models to meet 21st Century challenges." According to him, it's time to rethink core concepts of business or management education.


MBA Review Magazine, Business Education, Management Principles, Leadership Development, Organizational Behavior, Technological Changes, Management Education, International Masters Program, Organizational Goals, Indian Education System, Social Intelligence.