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MBA Review Magazine :

India is fast becoming a destination for foreign investors. This has led to generation of employment opportunities, particularly front-end jobs, in sectors such as retailing, IT, Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). Customers interact with the front-line staff/personnel, who form the first line of communication between the company and the customers playing a predominant role in building the service reputation of the company. Failure to satisfy customers most often results in a customer switch to competitors in anticipation of better service. The need of the hour then is corporate etiquette, an essential business skill, which can improve an employee's effectiveness, productivity and satisfaction, as well as the company's bottom line. This article is an attempt to highlight the importance of corporate etiquette for front-line managers in the hotel and aviation industries.


Every organization has its own code of conduct. The way one is expected to conduct oneself in a business environment is called professional etiquette. Every workplace evolves its own set of norms of behavior and attitude. The basic concern in an organization is to create a smooth work environment where each employee helps the other to carry out his job with ease. This is made possible by our ability to empathize with other workers' job concerns and priorities. Consideration of others' feeling and well-being should be reflected in our actions and in our words. This identification with others is the best form of business etiquette and culture. Learning the rules of business etiquette will go a long way in helping professionals act with ease in any business setting.

Her sweet, soft, nightingale-like voice was probably what made Srilakshmi different from the others and the management had no second thoughts in selecting her. Srilakshmi was the telephone operator at Shravan Group of Hotels. Shravan's was a chain of hotels, renowned for their service and hospitality. Young, smart, energetic and sweet of speech, Srilakshmi, soon learnt the tricks of the trade. Days rolled into months and months into years. With her warmth and willingness to work she earned the trust and respect of the guests at Shravan's. Added to this was her `I am there to help' attitude, which made her the most, sought-after person at Shravan's. Known for her professional etiquette, she was thought to be the very embodiment of grace and elegance at her workplace.

The management was pleased with her contribution to the company and regarding it as worthy, promoted her to the next level. Heavy praise and the feeling of being indispensable slowly but steadily started to reflect in her behavior and work. Srilakshmi's attitude towards work changed. Telephone conversations no longer reflected the smile or the sweetness of her voice. She cut calls in the middle and never bothered to call back. She began to violate the very motto of customer satisfaction at Shravan's. Difference in her treatment to the VIPs and the ordinary customers was glaring. Shravan's image was at stake through the misconduct of one of its front-end staff. A once full and sought-after hotel, Shravan was now the second choice for many. Her management dismissed it as a case of mood swings and bad times in an individual. But when complaints piled up, the management had no option but to sack Srilakshmi. The likes of Srilakshmi are many. In the case of Shravan, the management had been having trouble with its front-house staff like Srilakshmi in terms of etiquette and protocol when dealing with their valued guests. The incident thus made the management realize the need for training of their front-end staff in etiquette.


MBA Review Magazine, Corporate Etiquette, Business Process Outsourcing, BPO, Knowledge Process Outsourcing , KPO, Foreign Investors, Business Environment, Airline Industry, Services Industry, Ahmedabad Aviation and Aeronautics Ltimired, AAA, Commercial Economy, Pantaloon Retail India Ltimited.