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MBA Review Magazine :

The widening technical skill gap could be minimized through constant industry-academia interactions.


Higher education in India is at the crossroads. Roughly 7% of the relevant population goes in for higher education. India has about 350 universities, while China has more than a thousand. According to Knowledge Commission's report none of the Indian universities find a place in the top 50 universities worldwide.

Indian higher education is reeling under pressure for want of good number of quality resource personnel. Thus, it poses a great challenge to our nation building exercise. So far India's spending on higher education is very minimal and, in the coming years, they have plans to increase the budget.

I think that will do well for higher education. As the resources are limited and the colleges and universities' (which are the principle knowledge disseminators) syllabi are hardly updated, meeting industry demands has become a great challenge for the India's education system.


MBA Review Magazine, Knowledge Commission, Indian Education System, Gross Domestic Products, GDP, Soft Skills, Social Policies, Technical Skill, Higher Education System, Strategic plan.