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MBA Review Magazine :

This article deals with repatriation as a general issue in the global scenario of organizations. The why and how of repatriation is the most important aspect and the article deals with two factors—thinking about employees from an organization's point of view and also thinking about repats who are supposed to get their healthy position back into their own society. Legal, monetary as well as humanitarian aspects of repatriation are depicted well in the article.


Whether in terms of global warming or the metropolis sophistication of looking at the world as the global village, globalization seems to be the only way of survival of every entity in modern era. How can business be away from the touch of that innovative and inventive tool of aspiring profit! Thus, whether in form of business development or in the form of hiring appropriate manpower from outer world, companies are going through its metamorphism since the requirement of external talent has been growing up in developing business worldwide.

A glance at the global business can easily acknowledge the rising graph of hired Indians by companies in developed countries reasoned with the less investment being reimbursed with more intellectual and analytical expertise. While in case of hiring USA residents in a company costs around an average of $20 per hour, they get more proficiency with an expense of mere $2 per hour by hiring an Indian.

Then why offshoring/hiring is so tough for companies? The answer is simple yet vastly affecting a term - Repatriation. It's for that impact of repatriation that I have chosen it as a subject to know and explain as much as possible within the provided span.


MBA Review Magazine, Repatriation, Global Business, Global Assignment, Republic Act, Global Relocation Trends Survey, National Foreign Trade Council, Global Relocation Services, Legal Environments, Cultural Change, Human Resources, Foreign Markets, Political Environment.